Waiting For Action

Brainstorming App Store Templates Free Figma Template

Rusmir Arnautovic

Brainstorming App Store Templates

Free Downlaod

Brainstorming App Store Templates - Free Figma Template

When publishing an app in the Apple App Store, you are required to provide app screenshots. The screenshots are shown in your App Store listing and play a huge role in driving more downloads.

Many mobile users will use your app screenshots to form a first impression and decide whether or not they want to download your app.

Every screenshot that you provide needs to have a purpose and ultimately boast the best features of your app.

A well-designed set of iOS app screenshots are:

  • appealing and eye-catching
  • clean and easy to read
  • straight to the point
  • on-brand

This UI kit contains:

  • 6 iOS device sizes
  • 21 different Variant
  • App store mobile - Preview
  • App store desktop - Preview
  • 7 pre-made use-cases

Video how to work with:


This freebie Brainstorming App Store Templates was originally shared by Rusmir Arnautovic on this url.

The category for this freebie is App Designs. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.

Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Rusmir Arnautovic nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.


App Designs



No. of Screens:




