5 free figma templates for Himanshu

Download 5 freebies matching to Himanshu tag and speedup your design workflow. 5 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for Himanshu tag.

Admin Template  - Free Figma Template

Admin Template

Free Figma Template by Himanshu

4.1k 1
Branding Agency Landing Page  - Free Figma Template

Branding Agency Landing Page

Free Figma Template by Himanshu

6.5k 1
Metro Booking App Case Study  - Free Figma Template

Metro Booking App Case Study

Free Figma Template by Himanshu

4.1k 1
Credit Card Manage App UI  - Free Figma Template

Credit Card Manage App UI

Free Figma Template by Himanshu

8.3k 1
ZARF- Women Fashion Store Landing Page  - Free Figma Template

ZARF- Women Fashion Store Landing Page

Free Figma Template by Himanshu

6.6k 1