12 free figma templates for interaction

Download 12 freebies matching to interaction tag and speedup your design workflow. 12 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for interaction tag.

sidebar navigation with dark mode + interaction  - Free Figma Template

sidebar navigation with dark mode + interaction

Free Figma Template by Ehsan Hosseini

5.4k 1
Dial  Dieter Rams style with drag interaction  - Free Figma Template

Dial Dieter Rams style with drag interaction

Free Figma Template by Tom

8.1k 1
iOS Mail swipe interaction  - Free Figma Template

iOS Mail swipe interaction

Free Figma Template by Tom

6.7k 1
Portfolio Website Template with interaction  - Free Figma Template

Portfolio Website Template with interaction

Free Figma Template by Areous Ahmad

5.2k 1