17 free figma templates for location

Download 17 freebies matching to location tag and speedup your design workflow. 17 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for location tag.

Book Location  - Free Figma Template

Book Location

Free Figma Template by OlesyaSukhomlin

3.2k 1
Bravo Sample: Share location  - Free Figma Template

Bravo Sample: Share location

Free Figma Template by Bravo Studio

4.4k 1
Foursquare Location Categories - Material Design Icons  - Free Figma Template

Foursquare Location Categories - Material Design Icons

Free Figma Template by Anjo Cerdea

4.1k 1
Event Booking App UI KIt  - Free Figma Template

Event Booking App UI KIt

Free Figma Template by Ashfak Ahmed Sayem

26.4k 1