10 free figma templates for portal

Download 10 freebies matching to portal tag and speedup your design workflow. 10 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for portal tag.

Job Portal Website UI  - Free Figma Template

Job Portal Website UI

Free Figma Template by TECH CROWD

5k 1
Job Portal Website  - Free Figma Template

Job Portal Website

Free Figma Template by TECH CROWD

5.1k 1
JobTreeJob Portal Mobile App UI  - Free Figma Template

JobTreeJob Portal Mobile App UI

Free Figma Template by TECH CROWD

5.2k 1
Job Portal Design  - Free Figma Template

Job Portal Design

Free Figma Template by Nickelfox Design

7k 1
Figma Portal  - Free Figma Template

Figma Portal

Free Figma Template by Mr.Biscuit

5.4k 1
Job Portal Recruitment agency website  - Free Figma Template

Job Portal Recruitment agency website

Free Figma Template by Sajid Ali

4.4k 1