5 free figma templates for status

Download 5 freebies matching to status tag and speedup your design workflow. 5 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for status tag.

iOS Status Bar  - Free Figma Template

iOS Status Bar

Free Figma Template by Denis Rojyk

2.6k 1
Status Annotations Plugin  - Free Figma Template

Status Annotations Plugin

Free Figma Template by Tom

8.3k 1
Cover page status pills  - Free Figma Template

Cover page status pills

Free Figma Template by Luis Ouriach

3.8k 1
Bars  Fully customizable iOS and Android status bars [Ragab.Design]  - Free Figma Template

Bars Fully customizable iOS and Android status bars [Ragab.Design]

Free Figma Template by Ahmad Ragab

5k 1