Waiting For Action

Sanity Sketching Kit Free Figma Template

Mikoaj Dobrucki

Sanity Sketching Kit

Free Downlaod

Sanity Sketching Kit - Free Figma Template

Everything you need to quickly start drawing with Figma!


  • basic components
  • container styles you can easily copy/paste to make containers, layouts and other elements
  • predefined column grids for both fixed and fluid layouts
  • window/grid templates to get you started
  • everything based on an 8px grid for easier nudging/resizing/moving around
  • lots of icons
  • only essential text styles and colours

The underlying idea

Everything is black&white and mostly outline-based. All the templates fit great into an A4/letter format. You can easily print them and play with them on paper or use in workshops and meetings afterwards.

It's our go-to ideation tool we currently use in the design team at Sanity.io


The best way to get in touch with me is via Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikolajdobrucki

This freebie Sanity Sketching Kit was originally shared by Mikoaj Dobrucki on this url.

The category for this freebie is Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.

Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Mikoaj Dobrucki nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.





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