16 free figma templates for avatar

Download 16 freebies matching to avatar tag and speedup your design workflow. 16 handpicked and professionally deigned figma free templates available for avatar tag.

Playful Avatar Creator - DrawKit  - Free Figma Template

Playful Avatar Creator - DrawKit

Free Figma Template by DrawKit

4.3k 1
Notion Avatar Creator - Free | DrawKit  - Free Figma Template

Notion Avatar Creator - Free | DrawKit

Free Figma Template by DrawKit

2.8k 1
Avatar UI design guidelines  - Free Figma Template

Avatar UI design guidelines

Free Figma Template by Setproduct

8.8k 1
Custom Avatar  - Free Figma Template

Custom Avatar

Free Figma Template by Ashley Gaunt-Seo

2.7k 1
Avvvatars.com - Open Source React UI Avatar Library (Community)  - Free Figma Template

Avvvatars.com - Open Source React UI Avatar Library (Community)

Free Figma Template by Nusu Alabuga

6.4k 1
Avatar Illustration System  - Free Figma Template

Avatar Illustration System

Free Figma Template by Micah Lanier

4.2k 1